Windmill - Educational Toys & Equipment

Windmill - Educational Toys & Equipment

Service Adelaide Wide
252 The Parade
Norwood SA 5067

Windmill is an Australian owned family business which has been supplying quality educational toys & equipment to parents, families and educators since 1977.

Our extensive range contains great gift ideas suitable for children of all ages and stages of development.

See our website or visit our shops to view our specially selected, quality products including: art & craft supplies, outdoor play & trikes, toys for babies & early years, board games, vehicles, train sets, construction sets, dress ups and tea sets, percussion instruments, children’s music CDs, puzzles, maths & literacy resources, science kits, play corner furniture, special needs equipment and much more.

For more information please visit us online at

Listed under: Toys
Tags: Baby Toys Educational Toys General Toys


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If you have any questions or would like to obtain more information about Little Red Compass' services, please contact us by completing the form below.

Red Compass Pty Ltd

ABN 47 136 980 777
PO Box 516, Roseville NSW 2069, AUSTRALIA

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