evoL Sports

evoL Sports

Service Melbourne Wide
South Melbourne Vic 3205


evoL Sports is built upon the basis of continuity and consistency in a child’s upbringing. Many of us are living with the misconception that sports coaching is just about teaching a child a specific sport. The reality is that coaching is about improving the physical and mental equilibrium of the competitor, as well as instilling and developing important life skills such as sportsmanship, fair play, dedication and commitment.

Coach Norman created ‘evoL Sport’ after working in the basketball coaching industry for a number of years. He saw a need for something extra, more than just teaching children the fundamental skills of the sport and competition……but to also ensure the programs are designed to build a child's self-esteem and give a positive message in order to leave each child feeling confident, empowered and helping them find a passion and love for sport.


evoL Sports School Holiday Programs are full of activities such as basketball programs, sport games, water activities (summer) and more to keep the children entertained all day long.

evoL Sports school holiday programs are Sports activities for children aged 4 – 14 years olds (depending on the program). The programs are intended for children to have fun and enjoyment in a safe environment. If you don’t want your children playing on their ipad or watching tv all day, get them outside or interacting with other children.

Activities are co ordinated to enhance self confidence and social interaction. Our coaches will encourage a child’s desire to participate and have fun.

Prices from $35 a day.

Note: Calls between 9:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Saturday

Tags: General Fitness


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Red Compass Pty Ltd

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