Gourmet Kids

Gourmet Kids

St Michaels Primary School
16 Scanlan Street
Berwick Vic 3806

Gourmet Kids started life in 2000, and each year around 10,000 children come along to experience one of our fantastic cooking parties. Gourmet Kids is also a fun way of getting your child interested in cooking through one of our creative cooking lessons, suitable for any age.

Children love to dress up in our chef’s hats and aprons to create a delicious recipe under instruction from our kitchen crew. They use an individual set of equipment for preparing and baking our recipes, and are given as much or as little assistance as they need.

With thirteen year’s of knowledge and experience, we are able to provide a wide range of healthy eating options, where food allergies and dislikes are are no problem for us and we are happy to assist with any issue or concern you may have.


Our cooking parties are a fun way to have an original and action-packed birthday party, with something to do from the minute the guest of honour and friends arrive until the moment they leave. This includes a cooking session, party food, and hosted games. We can also create themes for your child’s party if you have a special request. Please refer to our recipes list and party packages and pricing.


In all of our cooking lessons, children are encouraged to be independent; this gives them a sense of achievement and boosts their self-esteem. Younger or not so confident children are offered assistance to ensure the end product is something they can be proud of.

We also have a wide range of young cook’s merchandise for sale in the shop. Memorabilia is also available, including personalised aprons, photos and fridge magnets. These make a great reminder of your child’s experience with us.

Tags: Party Venues Cooking


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Red Compass Pty Ltd

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