Nathsha Lesonie Photography

Nathsha Lesonie Photography

Service Sydney Wide
Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

My name is Natasha and I am a professional photographer based in Sydney, Australia. I specialise in a family portrait, maternity, neawborn as well as event photo shoots. My style of photography is emotional, bright and tender.

My Story
I was born and raised in Russia. When I was a kid I travelled a lot across my country, and I love travelling since then. The most interesting for me is not being just a visitor. I like to live in a different places and countries, explore culture and lifestyle. Me and my family moved to Sydney a few years ago and we all in love with that gorgeous part of Earth! Just happy to be here!

My First Love – My Family
I am very lucky to have a beautiful family. I don't know why I am deserve these amazing people around. Nothing compares to being all together. So simple and so true!

My Second Love – Photography
As you could have guessed, photography is the second thing I love the most. It started in my childhood, when my dad had a film camera and I spent a lot time with him in a dark room. It was magic! Life moments captured for years - it is still magic for me.

Hope you liked my story. Enjoy your time browsing the images on my website.

Listed under: Photography


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