Kids First Aid

Kids First Aid

Service Australia Wide

KFA provides 3 hour first aid sessions for parents and carers presented by PARAMEDICS concentrating on 10 most common things that we see in the ambulance.

Kids First Aid Founders Katie Fisher & Jenny Douneen were concerned that First Aid information regarding children's emergency procedures is not easily obtained or available in a one-off, easy to manage a session. But more importantly, they believed that this information should be presented by front-line emergency services professionals - people who are in the field, treating kids in emergency situations on a daily basis.

Kids First Aid was set up by two sisters, Jenny Douneen & Katie Fisher. Katie is an active ambulance office with 15 years experience and constantly involved in medical emergency situations involving kids.

Jenny has a strong media and marketing background but is also heavily involved in a community-based childcare facility in Sydney.

Tags: First Aid


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Red Compass Pty Ltd

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PO Box 516, Roseville NSW 2069, AUSTRALIA

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