The Rhythm Tree

The Rhythm Tree

Service Melbourne Wide

I love music and I love working with young families.

For me there were TWO types of music in my life; one was a bit boring (but legitimate), performance based (and judged) and the other exhilarating, creative, joyful and spontaneous!

I knew which one I preferred.

Over 9 years ago, during an internet search, I stumbled upon an US Parents’ Forum talking about this ‘amazing family music program’ where ‘whole families can participate in the same class’ and ‘individual learning styles are respected’. Apparently it was so good that ‘even musos take their kids there.’

I did a bit of research and realise that at long last I had found a quality music program for young children that linked to the exciting and creative experiences that nurtured my life-long love of music. So my two types of music came together in a method aptly named Music Together®.

Whilst the nearest teacher training workshop at that time was in Japan, I was sure it would be worth the trip….and it most definitely was.

And so my journey with Music Together and my new company The Rhythm Tree began.

Now instead of parents leaving their children at the door, I run music classes for the whole family. Instead of teaching musical concepts, I offer experiences.

Music Together works on the principal that ‘all children are musical’. Many people mistakenly believe that only a talented few are musical. In fact, when given a supportive musical environment, children learn to sing and dance as naturally as they learn to walk and talk.

Tags: Creative Dance Music Early Learning Movement


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