Szasz Judo

Szasz Judo

Service Sydney Wide
54 Smidmore Street
Marrickville NSW 2204

Szasz Judo has evolved over the last four years. We are a mix of male and female, young and old, experienced and new. We are here to share our experience in Judo and modern martial arts and to create a unique training environment, where beginners and experts of all ages can share their passion in judo. Our Judo school offers a range of classes that primarily focus on both physical and mental discipline as well as empowering you to reach your goal.

While we are all at different levels, we share common values and goals. We constantly challenge and push ourselves, so we can extend and improve our skills. We also like to have fun, make friends and get fit.


Ages 3-6 years
The focus for younger members is to instil variety and participation. Complex techniques are less of a focus, instead we promote group activities, gymnastics exercises, basic dojo etiquette, and trying your best, where positivity and friendship are fostered. Smiles abound!

Ages 6-11 years
As your child progresses with basic movement patterns we introduce the foundation techniques of judo. We do this at your child’s natural pace, making sure to foster confidence. Our junior belt grading system begins. There’s lots of fun trying new things!

Ages 12-17 years
Progress leads to regular training, which will include randori (free practice or sparring). We make sure safety is paramount, and that all participants are well prepared. Students can achieve grades that lead to tournament participation in cadet and junior levels under the JFA (Judo Federation of Australia). Belt gradings earn points towards senior grades, ultimately toward black belt promotion.

Tags: Martial Arts Martial Arts


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