New Star Art School

New Star Art School

Hawthorn Aquatic and Leisure Centre
Hawthorn Vic 3122

New Star Art School practices a unique teaching technique based on key Eastern and Western art education systems. This technique is designed to rapidly develop artistic skills in children’s art classes for all ages.

New Star Art School was founded in 1997 by Chinese/Australian award winning artist Yaping Jiang. For many years the school has cultivated the artistic talent of its students, many of whom not only have won scholarships and prizes in competitions, but it has also played an important role later in their successful professional careers.

New Star Art School also provides various opportunities for students to display their art talents to their communities and to society at large. Students works are published regularly in newspapers, public exhibitions and also have the chance to participate in a variety of art competitions in both Australia and overseas.

3:30 pm – 5 pm
4 pm – 5 pm (early childhood learning)

Tags: Early Learning Drawing and Painting


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