Babies to Kids Swim School

Babies to Kids Swim School

Berendale School Pool
2 Berend Street
Hampton East Vic 3188

Babies to KIDS Swim School, based in the Melbourne Bayside suburb of Hampton East, was established in 2000.

We are proud to offer you our unique program based on over 25 years of direct swim teaching experience.

​A​ll our team love the program and its outcomes - true water familiarisation for babies, water safety for toddlers, pre-schoolers and beginners and instruction of the best stroke technique for all learners.

All our trainers are fully qualified with their current nationally recognized AUSTSWIM certificate, CPR and blue childrens' card and in addition undergo our unique, extensive and ongoing Babies to KIDS swim school in-house training.

From babies to advanced swimmers we support and gently encourage individuals to reach their own fishlike swimming potential safely and inspire each student to pursue a life-long love of swimming and share the joy of learning to SWIM!

This means the best water awareness, safety and stroke technique for your child that we can offer - whether it is for survival, speed, fun and fitness or just participation.

See you on the pool deck!

Listed under: Classes and Lessons
Tags: Swimming


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Red Compass Pty Ltd

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