Sydney Art School

Sydney Art School

1 Chambers Court
Epping NSW 2121

Award winning art classes for children of all ages and skill levels developed by professional artists and tertiary qualified tutors.

Our tutors are tertiary qualified and practicing professional artists. Many have been finalists in major art prizes in Australia. Carefully structured art classes to give the best results in the shortest time.

Each class lesson plan develops the "building block" skills of art. Come and browse them in the studio. Children progress through to Senior Transition classes where they are prepared to move on to adult art classes.

Mini Monet

After school art class for kids.

Start your child on the right path into art. Mini Monet is the starting point for kids learning art and creativity at Sydney Art School. These art classes are tailored for kids in primary school. The focus is on developing drawing and painting skills in an engaging and creative environment. We carefully plan these classes to give the right balance of exercises to develop foundation artistic and cognitive skills with fun activities to keep your child engaged.

Art Classes for Children

Refining and extending artistic skills while developing right brain cognitive abilities.

These art classes are designed for advanced primary school children and early high school students. Using structured lesson plans with a mixture of classical and contemporary techniques your child will learn to "see and be" like an artist. These classes may also assist school students who are considering VET in Schools programs during their senior high school years.

Tags: Art and Craft Drawing and Painting


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