Creatr Assessment, Learning and Irlen Clinic

Creatr Assessment, Learning and Irlen Clinic

Service Melbourne Wide
Suite 2
23 Dudley Street
Eltham Vic 3095

Creatr Assessment, Learning and Irlen Clinic provides a friendly and professional environment for tutoring and services to help children overcome challenges and reach their true potential – at school and in life. The centre offers assessment for intellectual and academic development through accurate evaluation and diagnosis. All tutoring and services at the Centre are delivered ethically and are based on scientific research evidence and experience whilst working with the children together with their families.

Creatr Assessment, Learning and Irlen Clinic provides advice and services to learning, from diagnostic assessments to understanding student’s abilities and needs to help support them in reaching their personal best.

For more information please visit us online at

Tags: Tuition Tutoring Special Education


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Red Compass Pty Ltd

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PO Box 516, Roseville NSW 2069, AUSTRALIA

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