Crazy Feet Dance Studio

Crazy Feet Dance Studio

Service Melbourne Wide
14 -18 Banksla Street
Burwood Vic 3125

Crazy Feet was founded in 1992 by Katie Rappel, who was a graduate from The Victorian College of the Arts and has enjoyed a successful career in the dance and entertainment industry performing internationally and throughout Australia.

We believe that dance should be accessible to all children for enjoyment, confidence and co-ordination. We provide professional dance training in a fun and friendly atmosphere; and we cater to the recreational student, as well as aspiring dance professionals.

We have an alliance with Triple Talent Management agency, where students audition for television, film and theatre. Triple Talent Management has had great success with our talent and our close alliance allows us to assist our students follow their dreams!

Listed under: Classes and Lessons
Tags: Creative Dance Ballet


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Red Compass Pty Ltd

ABN 47 136 980 777
PO Box 516, Roseville NSW 2069, AUSTRALIA

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