Duck and Dive Baby Swim School

Duck and Dive Baby Swim School

G Floor, Sydney UniLodge iTrain Gym
Cnr Broadway and Bay Streets
Broadway NSW 2007

Duck and Dive Baby Swim School offers baby swimming lessons and learn to swim for 3 to 5 years old in Sydney. Babies can start as soon as you're ready, our youngest student was just 10 days old! We are passionate believers in water confidence and believe that swimming from birth provides not only this confidence but a varied range of stimuli - after all 75% of brain growth happens before the age of three!

Broadway Pool
- Private pool heated to 32 degrees minimum
- Baby swimming classes from new born
- Learn to Swim for kids age 3 and up
- Free parking on-site or within 100 metres
- Handy for public transport

The fees for our baby swim classes are between $26 to $28.50 per lesson and are paid in advance for the full course (i.e. you can’t pay per lesson) and there are 2 makeup classes allowed per term subject to availability.

We generally run our baby swimming classes in Sydney during the school terms and break for the school holidays.

Lessons run for 30 minutes which, given our pools are comfortably heated, is ample time for a little one.

The pools are all shallow, no more than 1.2m in depth so if the carer is small or cannot swim, there won’t be any problems. Our teachers all have valid CPR qualifications.

All babies will be allocated to baby swimming classes depending on their experience and age. Please contact us to discuss your baby and suitable lesson times.

Listed under: Classes and Lessons
Tags: Swimming


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