Australian Wildlife Displays

Australian Wildlife Displays

Service Sydney Wide

We specialise in the educational display of Australian native animals.

Mobile, safe and great fun, our shows are guaranteed to capture the wild imagination of kids and adults alike.

We are more than just reptiles! We also incorporate possums, frogs, bats, birds and invertebrates into the ‘hands-on’ animal experience! And yes of course there we also bring crocodiles, pythons and lizards for an incredible experience.

If you child is reptile or animal crazy, then why not have a reptile party, wildlife party, animal party or zoo party. Australian Wildlife Displays can bring reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals to your house to keep the kids busy and entertained.

All of our presenters are tertiary qualified in either science, wildlife management or education and deliver a unique show that is exciting, humorous and informative.

For more information please visit us online at

Tags: Animal Farms


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Red Compass Pty Ltd

ABN 47 136 980 777
PO Box 516, Roseville NSW 2069, AUSTRALIA

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