Young Yogis

Young Yogis

With over ten years of yoga experience and formal training done in Sweden, India and Australia, Pia’s major life-passion is to share the therapeutic benefits of yoga.

Whether it is for children or elderly, Pia has seen the power of the practice and how yoga might serve as an incredible tool for healing various physical and mental health conditions.

For Pia personally, yoga is well and truly integrated into her life. Being a busy mother of three children, yoga is her sanctuary and she feels a regular practise allows her to come back to her self, like a micro holiday from being a mum, wife, business owner, teacher… It is the endless aspect of self-discovery that keeps her hooked, as well as the fact that it seems to keep her injury free while running ultra-marathons.

Are you looking for a fun and meaningful theme for your child’s birthday party?

A kids yoga party includes games, music, craft along side with plenty of yoga moves and mindful exercises especially tailored for your child (age, interest, need).

Suitable for boys and girls aged 3-12 years old.You can choose from several themes or suggest your own. Some theme ideas are; A day at the beach, Nature, Space/Sky, Super Heroes, Jungle animals, Olympic games, Gratitude, Chakras, Grow a seed of life and many more.

A Kids Yoga Party is 1 hour 15 minutes. Pricing: $150 (up to 12 children) in your backyard or sufficient indoor space.

Exploring, playing and learning are the key foundation to all Young Yogi workshops.

We offer unique workshops that send mindful and meaningful messages that support the development of confident and caring kids.

Workshops are held in term and school holiday time.

Yoga is appreciated and enjoyed by children of all ages, however a children’s yoga session is very different to an adult’s class. The key to being successful when introducing yoga to children is in the way it is presented to them.

Young Yogis early childhood yoga programs are fun, fairly dynamic, creative and stimulating to the child’s imagination. Simple breathing exercises and relaxation techniques are always included in order for the children to acquire the art of relaxing the body and learning how to be still and peaceful within themselves.

Young Yogis offers regular Family Yoga sessions to ensure it’s possible for everyone to have a go, and many families are reaping the rewards. We believe that many positive values of yoga that support self-growth and encourage self-care, kindness and responsibility – are all wonderful basis for family life.

Family Yoga Sessions held every second week on Sundays 9:30-10:30am at Zen Collective Yoga & Wellness Studio in Brookvale.

1 adult + 1 child $25
1 adult + 2 children $30
1 adult + 3 children $35
Second adult $20

For private session please contact us.

Tags: Party Planners Yoga Yoga


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