Education Kingdom

Education Kingdom

Service Sydney Wide
Chatswood Centre
Shop 22, 369 Victoria Avenue
Chatswood NSW 2067

Education Kingdom is Sydney’s one-stop centre for child development, learning and most importantly, fun! We want to see your children excel in all aspects of their life which is why our exciting and innovative learning programs are designed to teach children the skills and lessons they need for their future.

Did we mention we also hold birthday parties and holiday camps? We do it all at Education Kingdom!

At Education Kingdom, we place a big emphasis on the local community, creating a welcoming place for parents and children to come and learn, socialise and interact with one another. Learning and growing together as a community is one of the foundations that Education Kingdom is built upon!

With us, your child is the most important thing and that’s why the Education Kingdom team are professionally qualified, friendly, capable and have a love of working with little ones!

So if you’re looking for a place for your child to learn, grow and play, Education Kingdom is your one-stop solution.

Tags: Games and Activities Party Planners Party Venues After School Care Tuition Early Learning Art and Craft Activities Primary School Tutoring High School Tutoring Party Themes


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Red Compass Pty Ltd

ABN 47 136 980 777
PO Box 516, Roseville NSW 2069, AUSTRALIA

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