

Service Australia Wide
PO Box 8368
Armadale Vic 3143

Minbie’s breakthrough design is the result of the meticulous research carried out by our design team. Over the course of 13 years they developed hundreds of prototypes and implemented continual testing so that now there is a bottle teat that can support a baby’s instinctive feeding needs and the ability of the baby to breastfeed comfortably for the mother, nurturing the mother’s milk-supply.

We passionately believe that you should be able to breastfeed and bottle-feed your baby.

To help you, we have created Minbie which is a teat designed to support your newborn’s instinctive breastfeeding technique. This means that when newborns feed from Minbie they practice the instinctive latch and feeding-action for nurturing breastfeeding. This is a significant breakthrough in matching breast and bottle-feeding techniques and preventing feeding-confusion*.

For newborns who cannot be breastfed, we created Minbie to allow them to bottle-feed with the instinctive breastfeeding technique that they are born with because why shouldn’t they be able to feed intuitively with the technique that is developmentally right for them and that helps release digestive enzymes for proper digestion of the milk.

Minbie bottle teats promote the all-important instinctive breastfeeding technique, so if you switch between breast and bottle, your baby’s natural breastfeeding technique can remain undamaged.

Tags: Feeding and Nursing Accessories


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